Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Greetings to the 7th International Forum of Oncology and Radiotherapy “For Life”

The message
reads, in part:
“It is
gratifying to know that every year your forum brings together prominent scientists,
clinicians, heads of medical centres, representatives from the business community,
from relevant ministries and agencies in Russia and many foreign countries
to discuss most recent professional problems.
This broad
international format, practice-oriented content, your focus on results, on the exchange of best practices, innovative technologies and new approaches to healthcare contribute to the consolidation of professional efforts to address problems
on a truly global scale. You are dealing with diagnosing and effectively
treating dangerous diseases, improving the oncology care system, which is one
of the most important priorities of modern medicine around the world, as well
as extending a healthy and active life in general.
I am sure
that the discussions at the forum, held both in person and online, will attract
a wide scope of interested participants, and the proposals and recommendations generated
will definitely be useful.
Also, I sincerely congratulate the ireless workers and committed enthusiasts – this
year’s winners of the Alexander Savitsky Prize.”
